Friday, November 1, 2013

With reference to the pages and posts about Pope Leo XIII and his coat of arms, and the page about the Comet ISON, one cannot ignore the fact that we are living or are about to witness what was prophesied on the Pope Leo XIII’s coat of arms.The real meaning behind Pope Leo XIII’s coat of arms is clear:

The tree represents the Church. The grey band represents the division between the two eras, below our current time and the above it the new era. The two fleur-de-lis (a symbol of the kings) actually represent the two concurrent Popes (kings) that we have now (Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis I). Above there’s a comet meaning that a particular comet will signal the new era of the Catholics. Like Halley’s Comet announced the birth of the Messiah, Comet ISON will be doing the same of the Second Coming of the Messiah.

One might ask what has this coat of arms from a pope over a century ago got to do with all this. Pope Leo XIII had a vision of the end of our time. In this vision Satan asked Christ for a period of 100 years time to destroy what’s so dear to God – the church and its people. The 100 years are about to end.

Two Popes and a Comet – on the doorstep of a new era
April 4, 2013 by anonymousprophets

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