Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Glorious Cross the Sign of the Son of Man

Matthew 24:30  "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.  they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.  Nations of the earth will mourn.  they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." 

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the world through Madeleine in Dozule, France(1974-75 )

" Understand this well: In the days which preceded the deluge, people didn't expect anything until the arrival of the flood which carried them off. But today you have been warned, you are living in the times of which I said: 'On this earth there will be disasters of all kinds: Iniquity is the cause of misery and famine, nations will be in anguish, there will be portents and phenomena in Heaven and on earth.' So, be ready because great tribulation is near, such has never been seen since the beginning of the world until today, and which will never be again. "

"I tell you, this young generation will not pass before all this happens. But do not be afraid, for behold in the heavens the Sign of the Son of Man which Madeleine saw shining from the East to the West. You, Heads of Churches, in truth I tell you, it is by this Cross set up over the world, that nations shall be saved. My Father has sent Me to save, and the moment has come when I must pour My Mercy into human hearts. The Glorious Cross, or the sign of the Son of Man, is the announcement of the approaching return in glory of the Risen Jesus."   

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