Friday, November 1, 2013

Prophecy of Saint Hildegard of Bingen on the Last Days
Doctor of the Church

" Antichrist will come from a land that lies between two seas, and will practice tyranny in the East. After his birth false teachers and doctrines will appear, followed by wars, famines and pestilence.....He will be raised at different secret places and will kept in seclusion until full grown. He will lure the people to him by giving them complete exemption from the observance of all divine and ecclesiastical commandments, by forgiving them their sins and requiring of them only their belief in his divinity. He will spurn and reject Baptism and the Gospel. He will say Jesus of Nazareth is not the son of God, only a deceiver....He will say I am the Savior of the world...especially will he try to convince the Jews that he is the Messiah sent by God and the Jews will accept him as such....yet by his moral laws he will try to reverse all order on earth. Therefore he is called in Holy Writ the " Lawless One" .... He will discard all laws, morals and religious principles, to draw the world to himself. He will and permit everyone to live as his passion dictates....Religion he will endeavor to make convenient. He will say that you need not fast and embitter your life by renunciation...It will suffice to love God....He will preach free love and tear asunder family ties....maintain sin and vice are not sin and vice....Immediately preceding Antichrist there will be starvation and earthquakes. "

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